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Cefalù: 2024 events

Cefalù is not only to be lived during the summer season but all the year, for this reason the municipal amministration drawn up a calendar of events that will take place in the town.

Cefalù –  explain the mayor Daniele Tumminello – is one of the most important town in the touristic sicilian system. The recent participation to Bit in Milan give us this role and arise the necessity to be constantly present with new attractive offers that both look at culture and heritage, but also at leisure, wellness, and the enjoyment of the city with events ranging from music to theatre, with a focus on children as well. The calendar of Cephaludese events is the backbone of a system that we want to implement more and more under the banner of quality services.”

On April, from 20 to 25, as usually, the appointment is with EarthDay Cefalù, the biggest international environmental event where the Earth is celebrated: in the same days, the Ecovillage will be on stage with tastings of local products and eco-friendly markets.

May is dedicated to gastronomy with Cefalù Beer Fest which will be from 24 to 26.

The summer arrival will welcome all kind event: starting with weelness with the sport dedicated manifestation to Kefitness, 8 and 9 of June. Then, is the turn of gastronomy with Cefalù Pizza Fest from 14 to 16, instead from 21 to 23 will take place the famous competition of Italy most beautiful Villages.

July and August, as usual, become an opportunity to experience Cefalù with music and summer shows, divided between the seafront and the Bordonaro castle. Great, as always, is the focus on the feast of the SS. Salvatore, which hosts the famous Ntinna a mare, in which fishermen’s families compete to catch the effigy of the Saviour, placed at the end of a wooden pole overhanging the sea.

Still in August, an art symposium and the Sea Festival, with fish dishes from the local cuisine, are scheduled.

In September, at the time of the grape harvest, there is the Cefalù Wine Fest and Wine Music on the Rock, followed by the Fudda Fest.

Sport and food unite in the autumn with the Half Marathon (6 October) and the Eat Capone food festival that brings one of the symbols of the local catch to the plate: the dolphinfish. The season closes in November with ‘Cooki&Duci’.

Winter, as always, is instead under the banner of Christmas, with Magical Christmas in Cefalù, a rich programme of events ranging from music to theatre, passing through parades and children’s days.

Dates and updates will be available on the municipal administration website and the tourism portal

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